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Yumeko X Hul le Kes

November 7 2023

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Anouk wearing her natural dyed Tshirt

November 2 2023

Dutch singer songwriter Anouk wears her Hul le Kes Tshirt

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Working on the future of fashion and inclusivity

October 31 2023

Hul le Kes adopts the former social workplace Studio 3 to become fully part of the Recovery Studio.

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Monet & Cremer Jackets from Upcycled Wool

October 21 2023

Many new blanket options are available for our Monet and Cremer Jackets

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Sustainability Month October

October 11 2023

October, a month about sustainable fashion.

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In this month’s magazines

August 25 2023

Find Hul le Kes in this month’s JFK magazine, LINDA magazine and &C magazine.

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Shopping as a physical experience of sustainable fashion

August 21 2023

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Hul le Kes visiting Lebanon

July 24 2023

The problem of textile waste is a global problem that should globally be solved, therefore Hul le Kes went to Lebanon. There Hul le Kes helped a local social enterprise with their educational system and upcycling facility.

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Events to show alternatives

July 10 2023

Hul le Kes is more then just a sustainable fashion brand, next to making and selling we organize events to raise more awareness about alternatives to the current fashion system.

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The Unique Contributions of Louise and Veerle

June 23 2023

Last January we gave our social mission an extra boost by merging the social learning and workplace ‘Studio 3’ with our Manufacturing Studio and Recovery Studio. Our employees Louise and Veerle tell you how this amalgamation has worked out for them.

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