Empowering tomorrow’s fashion stewards
November 22 2023
Hul le Kes’ recent session with Weekend School Arnhem empowered kids with sustainable fashion insights, fostering creativity and environmental consciousness.
November 22 2023
Hul le Kes’ recent session with Weekend School Arnhem empowered kids with sustainable fashion insights, fostering creativity and environmental consciousness.
Circular & Sustainable / Events / Products
November 20 2023
Introducing a sustainable alternative to Black Friday; Repair Friday to extend your item’s lifecycle
November 16 2023
Introducing a new upcycled wool garment; the Hul le Kes Guggenheim Coat
November 2 2023
Dutch singer songwriter Anouk wears her Hul le Kes Tshirt
October 31 2023
Hul le Kes adopts the former social workplace Studio 3 to become fully part of the Recovery Studio.
October 21 2023
Many new blanket options are available for our Monet and Cremer Jackets
Circular & Sustainable / Products
October 11 2023
October, a month about sustainable fashion.
August 25 2023
Find Hul le Kes in this month’s JFK magazine, LINDA magazine and &C magazine.